Auto Tools for any Situation

Auto Tools You Must Have at Any Time

This is Delta Towing professional and handy guide to the tools you should have in your car or in your garage for just about any automotive repair situation you can get yourself into! Print the list out and take it with you to Wall-Mart to stock up!

Multi-head Screwdriver – This is so invaluable due to the fat that around 97% of manmade objects are kept in position by screws. These screws are of hundreds of different sizes and each need various sized screwdrivers to be tightened and loosened. Thankfully, you won’t need hundreds of screwdrivers, but a good quality multi-head screwdriver should do the trick. Keep on in your car with a nice assorted mix of screwdriver heads and you’ll be amazed at what you can do when your car starts misbehaving.

Adjustable Wrench – What about the other 3% of manmade objects that aren’t held into place by screws? It’s bolts! You’ll need a good quality adjustable wrench for those. They are great not just for your car, but also for adjusting furniture, bicycles and anything else that is bolt-held and needs an extra turn or so! The basic but best starter kit is the standard 3-piece adjustable wrench. It doesn’t have to be fancy to get the job done.If screws aren’t holding it together then nuts and bolts almost certainly are.
Pliers – Great for getting a grip on small bits and pieces, you’ll need a minimum of three sizes and flavors– needle-nosed, heavy grooved and wire cutting pliers.

Hammer – Useful for so many different actions, a 16oz claw hammer is really the one and only hammer you may ever need. One may just last you a lifetime, so buy a sturdy one with a comfortable grip and definitely keep this one in the car trunk, along with the other great tools you should have with you.
Don’t try to fix something you aren’t sure about. Call in the professionals when you need an extra pair of hands that happen to belong to a trained auto mechanic!

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